Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I hosted our my Moms group weekly playgroup today. We were having a conversation about putting our kids in preschool. I was the only Mom that did a Mothers Morning Out program 2 days a week last year and now am doing 2 yr old preschool. A few of them are doing the 2 yr old preschool this year and they talked about how they were going to cry when they dropped them off and were talking about how sad they are going to be and not know what to do with themselves while the kids are in school. OMG...that is so opposite of me!! Maybe it is because they all only have 1 child and I have twins but man...even that first day of Mothers Morning Out I felt immense relief when I walked out of the school the first day. It was the best thing ever! A few hours of time to do what I needed to do...normally clean my house...but still, I could get it all done or run errands.

I love my kids but man...I love my breaks!!

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